Monday, August 17, 2015

Review: Fresh Wave Odor Eliminators


This post is sponsored by Fresh Wave

I’m always interested to learn about safe and effective household products, and was intrigued with Fresh Wave, a line of odor-removing products has been around for over 20 years. According to the company, Fresh Wave has been made with natural ingredients since long before natural products became popular. Their products are used in such places as wastewater treatment plants, paper mills,and refineries. I would imagine that if they can work in tough spots like that, they would probably do just fine around pet odors and other challenging odors around the home.

What’s in Fresh Wave?

Fresh Wave only contains water and natural extracts of lime, pine needle, aniseed, clove and cedarwood.

How does Fresh Wave work?

Fresh Wave eliminates odors at the source. Essentially, odors are molecular compounds, and Fresh Wave products work by breaking apart the chemical bonds that exist between these molecules, thus rendering them inert.

Putting Fresh Wave to the test

I received Fresh Wave Odor Removing Spray, Odor Removing Gel, and Odor Removing Packs to test. The spray can be used on pet bedding, clothing, stinky sports gear, shoes and trash cans. The gel, which comes in a container with a slotted lid, which is designed to placed where nasty smells are strongest. The packs can be used in small stinky spaces such as gym bags, closets or car interiors. The gel is labeled to last 60-90 days, the packs up to 60 days.

Cat related odors are not a big problem at my house. I’m very conscientious about scooping as soon as the girls deposit something in the litter box, so there’s not much odor there. So while I didn’t try the products on cat odors, I tried it on several other odors that I don’t particularly enjoy. I used the spray on my workout clothes, and was impressed by how quickly it eliminated the smell of a good workout. I tossed one of the odor removing packs into the kitchen trash, and used the crystal gel in the mother of all odors, the big trash can in the garage.

My take on Fresh Wave

The bottom line: these products really work. The gel eliminated any smell from the trash can in the garage, which was really impressive. It can get pretty rank in the summer, no matter how well I tie the bags that go in there. The gel pack in the kitchen trash worked equally well. I’m not sure I’d use the spray on clothes other than for the purpose of this test (I’d just as soon toss them in the wash,) but it got the job done.

My only problem with these products was that while they neutralize odors quickly and effectively, they also have a very strong scent. The scent is pleasant – a mixture of pine and lemon – but I’m extremely sensitive to scented products, and, as much as I wanted to love these products because they’re not only safe, but work so well, I found it overpowering. Since a cat’s sense of smell is even more sensitive than a human’s (maybe I was a cat in another life?), I would use these products with caution around litter boxes to avoid litter box aversion.

For more information about Fresh Wave products and to get discount coupons, please visit Fresh Wave’s website. Fresh Wave products are available exclusively at Target.

FTC Disclosure: I received these products for review at no charge. I also received a fee for writing this review. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence my review. All reviews on The Conscious Cat always reflect my honest and unbiased opinion. Or, as the case may be, Allegra and Ruby’s honest and unbiased opinion.

The post Review: Fresh Wave Odor Eliminators appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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