Saturday, November 26, 2016

Buckley and Thanksgiving Weekend: Forever Linked


It’s hard to believe that it’s been eight years since Buckley passed away. Thanksgiving will always be associated with Buckley for me, and not just because Thanksgiving Day 2008 was the last full day I spent with her. It’s also because I am so thankful for the many gifts this gimpy little cat who captured my heart from the moment I first saw her brought into my life.

Without Buckley, I might not have become a writer. Without Buckley, The Conscious Cat might not exist. Even though Amber inspired this site, its original purpose, in addition to sharing my passion for making cats’ lives better, was to build a following prior to publishing Buckley’s Story. Most importantly, without her, my heart might not have been opened to the many wonderful lessons she taught me during her brief time with me.

She had been declining for several weeks prior to Thanksgiving, and a few days before the holiday, it became clear that she would not be with me much longer. I got one last Thanksgiving with her, and while I had hoped that I could keep her with me through the weekend, by the end of Thanksgiving Day, I knew that if I did that, it would be for me, not for her. That Friday afternoon, she passed away peacefully in my arms with the gentle assistance of my dear friend and vet, Dr. Fern Crist.

Remembering my special little girl is always a big part of my Thanksgiving weekend. This little cat changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

Remembering Buckley still brings tears every year, but as the years go by, there are more smiles than tears as I recall more happy memories than sad ones. She took a big chunk of my heart with her when she left, but a part of her is always with me. This weekend, I once again honor the memory of her wonderful spirit and the blessings she has brought into my life.

The words that best summarize Buckley’s spirit are the same words you’ll find on the last page of her book:


Endless Love and Joy

Conscious Cat Sunday will return next week


The post Buckley and Thanksgiving Weekend: Forever Linked appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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